V I L L A G E  - T E M M I N C K

Temminck's stint | Temminckstrandläufer | Белохвостый песочник | Calidris temminckii.
Abandoned Village of Tobseda, Barents sea coast, Arctic Russia. 7 June 2018


This stint species found the perfect breeding places in the abandoned villageof Tobseda. The breeding density was amazingly high with a Temmincks´ nest every 30 m. Exemplary you can see this stint on some old rusty garbage. However, in the lowland tundra in the sourrounding temmincks were much less abundant.


Canon EOS 700D  |  Canon 400 mm  f/5.6 L USM  |  1/400  |  f 5.6  |  ISO 800